Renewable energy was on Nancy Larson’s radar before she found out about the Solarize Missoula program. “We had looked into geothermal, but it didn’t make sense at the time.” Last year, she saw an ad in a local paper for the Solarize Missoula program and decided to attend to get more information. Nancy admitted that without an introduction like the one she got at the meeting, she might not have moved forward on her own.
Now, the Larsons have a 3.12 kW system installed on their roof. They worked with Remote Power Systems, who installed Fronius inverters which connect to a mobile phone app, allowing the owner to monitor real-time production from anywhere. Nancy has had fun this past summer watching the energy production on sunny Montana days. Nancy mentions that the system has reduced their energy bills by half since it was installed last February.
When asked about her motivation for installing the system, Nancy’s response was that it just makes sense. “Why wouldn’t you?”, she notes. Others have also taken note. “A few of us were out in the street chatting the other day, and one of my neighbors started asking me all sorts of questions about the solar panels. I think I may have spurred some interest!”