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Montana Renewable Energy Association End of Year Giving

Energize 2023

It's that time of year. Final solar installs are wrapping up in the brisk winter air, snow is falling, the 2023 State Legislative Session is nearly upon us. No matter the season, Montana Renewable Energy Association continues to bolster the renewable energy industry of Montana. For 20 years and counting, our organization provides the expertise and business case for the cost savings, independence, and resilience of renewable energyBut we can't do it alone.

Defending existing state policies while proactively making solar, wind, and energy efficiency more affordable and attainable for ALL Montanans is going to take elbow grease and dedication from all of us. As we prepare for 2023, we are asking you to energize MREA's mission with an end of year gift.

Whether our advocacy take us to the halls of the capitol or town halls in the far reaches of the state, MREA finds creative solutions to the barriers of renewable energy adoption. This year alone, MREA provided expert guidance for community based Solarize Campaigns, helping neighbors and community members installed solar on their home or business in one large effort; MREA hosted 11 virtual learning sessions (and counting!) through our Exploring Energy Series, with topics ranging from renewable energy and tribal sovereignty to microgrids and third-party financing; MREA served over 2,000 individual Montanans in 2022. This impact only possible because of members and donors like you. 

And we're not done yet

With your help, Montana Renewable Energy Association will not only defend common-sense renewable energy and energy efficiency policies at the 2023 legislative session, but we will pave the way for businesses and households to realize the savings, rebates and incentives made possible in recent months. It's what we do best. Will you help MREA reach new heights and meet the needs of our growing industry with an end of year contribution? Every gift gets us closer to the future we envision - where the widespread use of renewable energy drives our economy and powers every aspect of our lives.

Our goal is to raise $15,000 by end of year to kickstart our work in 2023. Donate to one of our Energize 2023 categories today!

$25                                           Energize an MREA Energy Independent Newsletter.

$50                                           Energize our outreach in Billings, MT for the 2023 Clean Energy Fair.

$100                                        Energize our Exploring Energy educational series.

$250                                        Energize a Solar 101 presentation in rural Montana.

$500                                        Energize a day of meetings with key state lawmakers.

$750                                        Energize a membership celebration/gathering.

$1000                                     Energize our capacity to host technical and safety trainings.

$5000                                     Energize the entire renewable energy movement in Montana.

P.S. - The MREA Board of Directors is offering a matching gift for the first $3,000 raised! To be part of the match, contact Makenna at . 


Help MREA build a Montana where the widespread use of renewable energy drives Montana’s economy and powers every aspect of Montanans’ lives.